Costco sells giant 72-pound cheese wheel — here’s how much it’ll cost you

Costco may be the big cheese of retailers, it's also literally selling large cheeses.

In fact, the warehouse wholesaler is adding a 72-pound wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano, according to its website.

And if you want to order the hefty, Italian-imported cheese, it’ll cost you $899.99.

The Kirkland Signature-brand cheese has been aged for a minimum of 24 months, according to the product description.

“This product is brushed completely and regularly inspected to comply with the strict standards of the Consortium Parmigiano Reggiano,” the description says.

Costco sells a 72-pound wheel of Kirkland Signature-brand Parmigiano Reggiano that costs $899.99, according to the website. (Costco)

Costco even makes wine pairing suggestions for the cheese, including Montepulciano, Pinot Grigio, Chianti and Merlot.

This isn’t the first giant food item that Costco has sold, however.

In June, FOX Business reported that Costco sold giant, 2-pound doughnuts in some Australia locations including Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide or Canberra. The oversized fried treats — which currently come in just one flavor — will also be available at Costco locations in Melbourne.

Costco told FOXBusiness in June there's "no further information" on whether the doughnuts will be carried in the U.S.

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The Kirkland Signature-brand baked good is approximately 2 pounds — or 900 grams — one customer wrote on Instagram.

The chain said the product so far has been "selling well."


The treat is covered with pink icing, sprinkles and M&Ms. According to one picture, the giant doughnut costs $15.99 AUD, which is about $10.99 USD.