Target announces ‘Teacher Prep Event’ discount

Summer break has just begun for teachers, but Target is already gearing up for next year by announcing the return of its promotion for educators.

The retailer shared details of its “Teacher Prep Event” – which runs from July 13 to July 20 – on its website Wednesday, explaining that teachers can get a 15 percent discount on certain classroom supplies, as well as other items, including Pillowfort furniture.

This is the second time Target is holding the event, which drew a “phenomenal response” the first time around, Jill Sando, Target's senior vice president and general merchandise manager of apparel, accessories and home, told USA Today on Wednesday.

U.S. based teachers working at daycare centers, early childhood learning centers and home schools are included in the event.


Teachers wishing to participate can fill out a form online to verify their eligibility, and the coupon will be sent to their email, Target said. School supplies, classroom storage, organization and disinfecting wipes are among the available items.