NASA reveals 2 new spacesuits for the Moon

NASA is moving one step closer to a new Moon mission.

On Tuesday, NASA unveiled two spacesuits built for lunar exploration.

The two spacesuits, meant for their Artemis mission, walked the stellar runway. One is a full-suit design to be used while exploring the surface and the other is a lunar flight suit to be worn while in orbit.

NASA has been working in haste to reestablish a human, and American, presence on the moon’s surface to meet deadlines set by the program the Trump Administration.

New NASA spacesuits (NASA)

Spacesuit engineer Kristine Davis showed off how the astronauts can move easily around in the new suit.

For those who remember, the original spacesuits used by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on the Apollo 11 mission were rather limited when it came to mobility. The Artemis suits, however, have increased flexibility and will allow astronauts to move their fingers independently.

NASA intends to put the first American woman as well as an American man on the Moon's surface by the year 2024. NASA has been working in haste to reestablish a human, and American, presence on the moon’s surface to meet deadlines set by the program the Trump Administration.

The program has been given the name Artemis, in honor of the Greek goddess of the moon. She was the mythical twin of Apollo, the Greek sun god, which was also the name of NASA’s first human lunar exploration program. Artemis has the goal of putting the first woman on the moon, testing technology that will one day send humans to Mars and establishing a permanent human presence on the moon by 2028.


NASA believes these suits will eventually be used on Mars, after a few modifications are made.