Varney slams Biden over inflation, gas, border surge: 'It's all on him'
The country is ‘reeling’ from 'one crisis to another' under Biden's presidency, FOX Business host says
Stuart Varney: Biden’s crises are all ‘on him’
FOX Business’ Stuart Varney argues that the country is ‘reeling’ from one crisis to another and Biden is to blame.
FOX Business' Stuart Varney, during his latest "My Take" on "Varney & Co." ripped Biden over inflation, record-high gas prices, and the migrant surge, arguing the crises are "all on him."
STUART VARNEY: The country is reeling from one crisis to another. But the president takes no responsibility. His defenders say inflation, the border, the looming recession: not his fault. You'll hear the expression: "it’s not on him"!
I disagree. A lot of what's going on is "on him."
He caved to the climate crowd and ended America’s energy independence. These record-high gas and diesel prices are "on him."
He has always supported the open borders crowd, and look what we've got: millions of illegals flooding into our country since he took office. And when Title 42 is lifted, get ready for a new, massive surge. The border crisis is "on him."
FOX Business' Stuart Varney argues that Biden’s inflation, border crises are ‘on him.’ (Fox News)
The baby formula shortage? That’s "on" the incompetence of his administration. The FDA dropped the ball on re-opening the Abbott plant.
The stock market sell-off? Your 401(k) is way down because of rising inflation, and inflation "is on him." He spends by the trillion. He re-appointed Fed Chair Powell who prints money by the trillion, and he sends out his inexperienced press secretary to blame someone else.
This is not leadership. Its deflection, its excuse-making, and it’s very worrying, because the three big problems that Biden is trying to walk away from, are all likely to get worse.
Inflation: 10%. Gas, $5 or $6 a gallon. A recession, another border surge, all on the way – and with Biden in the Oval Office, where the buck stops, it’s all ON HIM.