Freedom of Speech Under Attack on College Campuses
During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney, Emily Jashinsky of Young America’s Foundation discussed the importance of freedom of speech on college campuses after students at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine were impeached for wearing sombreros at a tequila party.
Jashinsky argued this wasn’t the only college campus where freedom of speech has been tampered with in America.
“Mizzou [University of Missouri] to us is really the boiling point… You had a great example that you covered last week. Ben Shapiro’s speech at California State University Los Angles, that is a place where students were protesting a speaker violently. There were violent protests at CSU, L.A. It is literally under attack. Free speech is literally under attack on college campuses,” she said.
While Jashinsky wouldn't call herself a Trump supporter, she explained how these incidents correlate to America’s infatuation with the Republican frontrunner.
“Students are in these academic institutions where they are supposed to be addressing these serious issues and they can’t. They are in a four-year long advertisement for liberalism and sensitivity. It’s literally four years of sensitivity training. I just graduated from college in May and I can tell you firsthand, you are getting emails all the time about diversity and sensitivity and all of this nonsense and you’re not talking about the serious problems.” she said.