Obama Gives Clinton a Pricey Lift on Air Force One

Today, President Barack Obama and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stepped aboard Air Force One to fly to a joint campaign rally in North Carolina. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump cried foul, tweeting “who pays?,” asserting that American taxpayers are footing the bill.

Although Mrs. Clinton’s campaign assured the nation that, per common campaign procedure, they will indeed pay, it got us at FOXBusiness.com thinking; Just how much does it cost to fly Air Force One? How many people help keep our president airborne? And do they even have peanuts on board? We dug up some interesting facts.

Air Force One actually refers to one of two Boeing 747-200B series aircrafts. Built in 1986 for a whopping $325 million each, it costs you, yes you, the taxpayer, $203,337 per hour!

In addition to the pilot and co-pilot, there is an engineer and navigator in the Air Force One cockpit. It takes 26 crew members total to keep AFO flying.

As for security, the president’s electronics are hardened against an electromagnetic pulse. The windows are of course armored and the president can speak to anyone in the world with one of the 87 phones on board. AFO is outfitted with advanced secure communications equipment, allowing the aircraft to function as a mobile command center in the event of an attack on the United States.

No need to call for a doctor over the PA system, as there is one always on board along with a medical suite that can function as an operating room.

What about the in-flight food service?

Air Force One’s each have two food preparation galleys that can feed 100 people at a time. Have a hankering for something special? The president can have any food brought on (including fast-food).

Sure beats coach doesn't it?