Ben Carson Announces New Role with Christian Voter Group

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is taking on a new role as national chairman of My Faith Votes, according to a statement released Friday. The Republican presidential candidate has yet to officially suspend his 2016 campaign, but is expected to do so, as well as discuss his new endeavor, during the Conservative Political Action Conference.

In the statement obtained by, the nonprofit group says it will launch a national media campaign “committed to making sure that every Christian in America is engaged in this election cycle.”

"In the last four presidential elections, an average of less than five million votes separated the major candidates - Yet, more than 25 million Christians didn't bother to even show up at the polls in 2012. We are committed to making sure that every Christian in America is engaged in this election cycle,” said Sealy Yates, president of My Faith Votes.

Dr. Carson echoed the message in a two-minute long video posted on the organization’s website, saying “people of faith can make the difference.”

“We are the ones that decide our future for our children and grandchildren and the best way for us to do that is by exercising our civic duty and voting,” said Carson.

In the statement, Carson says his faith motivated him to get involved in the political process in the first place, adding, "I believe Christians in this country can easily determine the next president of the United States and all other national and local leaders, should they simply show up at the polls. When we do vote, ‘We The People’ will once again solidify our commitment to the Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was founded.”

The My Faith Votes website solicits donations to “make the 2016 general election the largest turnout for Christians the United States have ever seen.”

On Wednesday, Carson announced he did not see “a political path forward” after a disappointing Super Tuesday showing. According to Fox News exit polls, he won eight delegates. Prior to that, he came in fourth place with 9.3% support from GOP voters in the Iowa caucuses. In the New Hampshire primary, he finished in eighth place with 2.3% and in the South Carolina primary, Carson came in sixth place with less than 8% support from voters. As a result, Dr. Carson chose not to participate in the Fox News GOP debate on Thursday evening.