Trump Picks Boeing Executive Shanahan to Become Pentagon's No. 2

Senior Boeing executive Patrick Shanahan is U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to take over the No. 2 role at the Pentagon as deputy U.S. defense secretary, the White House announced on Thursday.

The White House also announced plans to nominate:

* David Norquist to become Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Norquist is a partner with Kearney and Company, a Certified Public Accounting firm.

* David Joel Trachtenberg to become Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Policy. Trachtenberg is president and CEO of Shortwaver Consulting, LLC, a national security consultancy.

* Kenneth Rapuano to become Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Global Security. Rapuano is senior vice president and director of the studies and analysis group at the ANSER Corporation.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali)