Mike Bloomberg

Bloomberg gun group spending 7 figures to push gun background checks

Mike Bloomberg’s gun control organization, Everytown for Gun Safety, says it’s spending seven figures to launch a TV and digital ad campaign to pass what it calls “life-saving” background check measures that passed the House on near party-line votes earlier this month.

Bloomberg to give Harvard $150 million for program for mayors

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is giving $150 million to Harvard University for a program designed to help mayors around the world more successfully lead their cities by training them to better manage, innovate and share best practices.

Bloomberg advisers defend 'rear-guard action' money spent after Biden loses Ohio, Florida and Texas

Mike Bloomberg didn’t get the best return on his investment to help Democratic nominee Joe Biden win key battleground states in the presidential election. But the former New York City mayor’s top political advisers say the money the multi-billionaire business and media mogul spent on behalf of the Democratic presidential nominee in Florida, Ohio, and Texas freed up the Biden campaign to win other key swing states.

Trump spars with Bloomberg over $100M Biden boost in Florida battleground

President Trump took to Twitter on Friday to slam former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s pledge earlier this week to spend $100 million in the crucial general election state of Florida to help elect Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and defeat the president in November’s election.