Kudlow: The America we love will not accept big government socialism
'Americans don't want to be strangled by red tape and taxes from radical left bureaucrats in the Washington D.C. swamp' says FOX Business host
Kudlow: Biden’s presidency is on the verge to collapse
'Kudlow’ discusses Biden’s failing policies as inflation continues to soar.
Happy New Year everyone. It's great to be back after a lovely week off.
And right at the start, I want to make two points. First, I remain steadfastly optimistic about America's future. Conservative values and free enterprise capitalism will handily defeat Joe Biden's woke leftist drive. The America we love will not accept big government socialism.
And second, let's work together to: Save America. And Kill the Bill. We beat the bill back last year.
Poll after poll shows the American public does not want a new entitlement state, nor inflationary spending, nor huge tax hikes, nor a regulatory takeover of economic sector after sector, nor an end to fossil fuels with soaring energy costs and limited supply, nor continued monetary pump priming by the Fed that fuels even more inflation.
The American way rewards success, not punish it. The American way loves the freedom to invent, innovate, discover, create, and prosper. Americans don't want to be strangled by red tape and taxes from radical left bureaucrats in the Washington D.C. swamp. The American way promotes parents and families, not government control of education and child-rearing. The American way defends police and law and order.
Will Sen. Joe Manchin 'cave' on Build Back Better?
National Taxpayers Union EVP Brandon Arnold and Walser Wealth Management CEO Rebecca Walser discuss Sen. Joe Manchin's stance on the Build Back Better plan and what's in store for Congress in 2022.
Americans very much favor legal immigration through appropriate processes, but the country is appalled by the current lack of borders and nearly two million illegals who are also, by the way, receiving various forms of government welfare. Americans are not racist. They do not believe the country was founded on a bunch of white supremacists, they don't want divisive racism in their kids' classrooms, and they are sick and tired of far-left crazy people who constantly charge racism as the answer to every legitimate disagreement or even conversation. This kind of totalitarian approach that seeks to end freedom of speech is unacceptable to traditional America. The majority of this country, indeed it's backbone, is comprised of honest, blue-collar workin' folk who cherish traditional conservative values.
Their arch-enemy is leftist wokeism and that's why the middle class is in full revolt against these leftist attacks.
Also, Americans want to see a strong nation, peace through strength, American interests first, not diplomatic appeasement. Whether it's China's Xi, or Russia's Putin or Iranian mullahs, workin' folks are sick and tired of seeing America pushed around. The Afghanistan withdrawal was a catastrophe. We could be on the verge of war with Russia and Ukraine. We mustn't give up Taiwan. And we must not allow Iran to nuclearize.
These are a few key points and what has turned out to be a populist revolt against the administration of Joe Biden. His foreign policy is in shambles. His economic policy is universally unpopular. His honesty and competence are questioned at every turn. And frankly his presidency is on the verge of collapse. Would that this were not so.
Former VA secretary: US has a lot of problems and it all comes back to the White House
Former VA Secretary Robert Wilkie discusses Biden's response to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, U.S. energy dependence and the administration's foreign policies.
Unfortunately, I fear it is so.
This is the America I love, just as you love it, too. But remember, policies can be changed, and problems can be solved. That optimistic thought has always been part of my personal DNA. We've been through rough patches before, but we've always come out of them greater, stronger, and more prosperous. I worked for two problem-solving presidents: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Nothing is ever perfect, but the country was always stronger when they left office. I don't see why the same thought won't apply now.
This little socialist interlude we are experiencing will soon pass. America is too good, too practical, too commonsensical, and too smart to allow socialist economics and bigoted prejudicial values to last for long. Join me in my new year's optimist. And that's my Riff.
This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow's opening commentary on January 3, 2022