About advanced micro devices inc. - AMD
AMD At a Glance
Phone | 1-408-749-4000 | Revenue | 25.79B | |
Industry | Semiconductors | Net Income | 1.64B | |
Sector | Electronic Technology | 2024 Sales Growth | 13.69% | |
Fiscal Year-end | 12 / 2025 | Employees | 28,000 | |
View SEC Filings |
AMD Valuation
P/E Current | 114.535 |
P/E Ratio (with extraordinary items) | N/A |
P/E Ratio (without extraordinary items) | 122.147 |
Price to Sales Ratio | 7.773 |
Price to Book Ratio | 3.45 |
Price to Cash Flow Ratio | 65.911 |
Enterprise Value to EBITDA | 38.114 |
Enterprise Value to Sales | 7.664 |
Total Debt to Enterprise Value | 0.012 |
AMD Efficiency
Revenue/Employee | 920,892.857 |
Income Per Employee | 58,607.143 |
Receivables Turnover | 3.719 |
Total Asset Turnover | 0.376 |
AMD Liquidity
Current Ratio | 2.616 |
Quick Ratio | 1.829 |
Cash Ratio | 0.705 |
AMD Profitability
Gross Margin | 43.735 |
Operating Margin | 8.625 |
Pretax Margin | 7.714 |
Net Margin | 6.364 |
Return on Assets | 2.394 |
Return on Equity | 2.893 |
Return on Total Capital | 2.74 |
Return on Invested Capital | 2.783 |
AMD Capital Structure
Total Debt to Total Equity | 4.032 |
Total Debt to Total Capital | 3.876 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 3.353 |
Long-Term Debt to Equity | 3.842 |
Long-Term Debt to Total Capital | 3.693 |
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. in the News
China blocks use of Intel and AMD chips in government computers: report
The Chinese government is banning the use of chips made by U.S. firms Intel and AMD along with foreign-made software in favor of microprocessors and tech made in China.
Arm Holdings IPO: What to know
Arm Holdings, the Cambridge, England-based designer of chips used in devices ranging from computers and smartphones to data servers is set to hold the biggest U.S. IPO in two years.
Jobs data, AMD shares fall and more: Friday's 5 things to know
All eyes will be on the most anticipated economic report of the month as the September jobs report is released.
US to ‘choke off’ China’s access to key computer chips
President Joe Biden's administration is further restricting China's access to U.S. computer chips. His commerce department will require more restrictive licensing for shipments.
Marco Rubio warns chips bill has loopholes that benefit China: I 'can't support' this
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., weighs in on the pending chips bill that would boost the semiconductor industry in the U.S., urging the Senate to reconsider its loopholes.
AMD returns to deal making with $1.9 billion purchase of chip specialist Pensando
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. plans to buy chip and software startup Pensando Systems Inc. for $1.9 billion, returning to the acquisition playbook shortly after closing its biggest-ever transaction.
AMD's stock is surging, here's why
AMD is on pace to close at an all-time high with the biggest percentage increase since July of 2020 thanks to a deal with Facebook.
Intel sees prolonged chip-supply constraints
Intel Corp. ’s new chief executive said a global chip-supply shortage could stretch two more years as the U.S. semiconductor giant posted weaker quarterly earnings.