Joe Namath: Controlling coronavirus 'most important’ for NFL, college football season
The 2020 NFL and college seasons are a 'possibility,' as long as medical professionals give the 'OK,' said Joe Namath
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Football legend and former New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath believes the 2020 NFL and college football seasons are a “possibility” as long as the coronavirus is under control.
“We need to listen to our medical people, first of all,” Nameth told FOX Business' Ashley Webster. “Whenever they tell us it's all right to get together – good… I would not rule the 2020 season out, either for the college players or the pro players. We're going to go ahead if the medical people give us the ‘OK.’”
Recent reports say there's a chance some colleges may postpone college football until spring 2021, potentially putting schools at financial risk. But Namath believes colleges and universities will overcome financial hardship once the competition is back in action.
"We love to watch competition," he said. "It gives us an emotional lift ... it gives us an opportunity to bounce back."
However, if the 2020 season were to be called on, Namath said players would be able to get ready and prepped quickly with limited timing and lack of training.
Joe Namath, new rookie quarterback of the New York Jets, shows his passing style which made the Jets anxious to sign him after graduating from the University of Alabama. June 29, 1965. New York, NY.
“They can get a football season – a basketball season – together in a matter of weeks,” he said. “There’s really not an excuse for it because we used to do it. It used to be done [by] getting together… That's the least of our worries. Getting this COVID under control… and listening to what the medical people have to say is what's most important."
In reaction to coronavirus, the NFL has begun a virtual draft for the season. Even though fans are missing the “excitement of the crowd," Namath said everyone will adjust to the change and that "it's going to be good."